Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Obama as Anti-Christ...?

Sorry everybody...I thought this was so humorous both from a political perspective and from a linguistics perspective I had to post it. For those of you that are not sure what I would think about such a video, let me be very clear: THERE IS NOT EVEN A SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE THAT WHAT THIS VIDEO IS PURPORTING IS IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM TRUE!

It is completely absurd and an incredible example of the danger of the "Left Behind" mentality that can make anyone fit their theological agenda, and as a convenient by-product fit their political agenda at the same time. As a linguist, historian, biblical theologian, and an eschatological enthusiast, I want to adamantly declare: THIS IS ABSOLUTE LUNACY AT ITS BEST!

(Note: before this guy gives me any more "Hebrew" lessons, I think he should master English first [i.e., the word "heigths" from 2:45-2:59 AND 3:11-3:21 -- come on...seriously?])


Dave said...

No wonder so many people are confused about Scripture. Guys like this make it difficult to proclaim the simple truth about Jesus and His Word.

Keep revealing the Truth about the the end times. Keep revealing the Truth!!!



Justin Gill said...

Holy Crap. That was great for a laugh. I am going to show tons of people this video. LOL

Justin Gill

Brent McCrory said...

Wow...what a note to end the day on...I don't think there are proper words in English to convey the thoughts. I know, maybe I should look up some Hebrew words w/ my Strong's...

- Brent

Sara said...

i can't quite figure out what this has to do w/ the supposed anti-christ anyway?.... it was comical.. serious, comical!